Mizuhiki – Adorning Life

Mizuhiki is an ancient Japanese art of knot-tying. This intricate craft has evolved over the centuries and is now cherished in modern Japan as both a holiday gift and a decorative element.

Gardens of Eden, almost

Gardens in Japan are more than just beautiful green spaces; they’re an art form that reflects the country’s history, culture, and philosophical ideas.

Sumi-e, Less is More

We hear often that “Less is more”. Hmmm, what exactly does it mean?! Perhaps the artwork “Sumi-e” can visually explain it.

Our Seas, We Are Killing Them!

Today is called “Umi no Hi”, or the day we celebrate our seas. Covering more than 70 percent of our planet, oceans are among the earth’s most valuable

Bonsai bit-by-bit

Bonsai, the art of minituarising trees is a practice that requires patience, skills, and lots of love

Feel the Zen in an Onsen

Onsen or hot springs were deemed sacred places where people went to cure injuries and diseases

Ghibli, I dreamt a dream

My Neighbor Totoro

Renowned internationally and winner of 2002 Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature, Studio Ghibli is a dream come true.

Hurray! It’s Onigiri’s Day!

Hello Kitty onigiri

The “onigiri”🍙 , is also referred to as “omusubi”. Contrary to popular beliefs, onigiri is not a kind of sushi.