Brasília, a Realized Brazilian Utopia
Brasilia was a planned city dreamed by then President Juscelino Kubitschek and architect Oscar Niemeyer in the 1950…
A saga where diamonds and a black slave intertwine in an extraordinary dance of fate.
Brasilia was a planned city dreamed by then President Juscelino Kubitschek and architect Oscar Niemeyer in the 1950…
The Amazon River flows for more than 4,100 miles (6,600 km); within its hundreds of tributaries
This is one of the world’s most beautiful opera houses. Where would you place it?
A group of scientists and researchers have found evidence that a highly advanced ancient
Do you know how big is Brazil? At 8.5 million square kilometers (3.2 million square miles)
Brazilian historical events timelines, old and current maps of the country, main states and cities […]
Porto Calvo is a municipality of Alagoas, founded in 1636. Its foundation is attributed […]
The Bandeirantes, were explorers, adventurers, slavers, and fortune hunters in early Colonial […]
Palmarians shared common needs, a common fear, a common enemy, which united them under a common government […]
Quilombos were one of the basic forms of active resistance by enslaved Africans. They were sanctuaries where the fugitives found […]
The history of slavery in Brazil started almost from the onset of its colonization and lasted for more than three centuries […]
Dutch Brazil, also known as New Holland, was the northern portion of the Portuguese […]
Once the natives were appeased by the Jesuits, they helped in the construction of houses and public buildings […]
The innocuous times for Marranos in the Promised Land of Brazil were not to last […]
“They are of brown complexion of almost red color with well-shaped faces and noses…” […]
Anhangá and Ticê, the Lord and Mistress of the Underworld are lovers, husband and wife, and a match made in Hell. They […]
The Portuguese Conquistador, Captain Pedro Álvares Cabral treads the perilous waters of the North Atlantic Ocean with […]
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