The Japanese Undying Love

If you had watched the ceremony of enthronement of the 126th Emperor Naruhito of Japan on
The Love that Broke 2600 Years of Tradition

Emperor Akihito, the 125th emperor of Japan, reigned from 7 January
Brazilian Timelines and Maps

Brazilian historical events timelines, old and current maps of the country, main states and cities […]
Porto Calvo, the Stage of Brazilian Historical Events

Porto Calvo is a municipality of Alagoas, founded in 1636. Its foundation is attributed […]
Bandeirantes – the Brazilian Flag Bearers

The Bandeirantes, were explorers, adventurers, slavers, and fortune hunters in early Colonial […]
Brazil Palmares, Where Slaves Ruled

Palmarians shared common needs, a common fear, a common enemy, which united them under a common government […]
Quilombos, the Brazilian Sanctuaries of Maroons

Quilombos were one of the basic forms of active resistance by enslaved Africans. They were sanctuaries where the fugitives found […]
The Arrival of the African Labour in Brazil

The history of slavery in Brazil started almost from the onset of its colonization and lasted for more than three centuries […]
The Dutch Brazil and the France Antarctique

Dutch Brazil, also known as New Holland, was the northern portion of the Portuguese […]
The Jesuits in Brazil

Once the natives were appeased by the Jesuits, they helped in the construction of houses and public buildings […]